Thursday, December 22, 2011

Justin Bieber first new song off "Believe" album-- just revealed

    Justin Bieber performed tonight (December 21st) at the Massey Theatre in Toronto, Canada.  In addition to performing Lil Wayne's "How To Love" and songs off of his already released Christmas album Under the Mistletoe, he gave the crowd the first ever sneak peak at a song off of his upcoming album, Believe.
     This is the first time any type of lyrics or songs have been released off of the upcoming album.

 Across the ocean, and across the sea
Starting to forget the way you looked at me now
Over the ocean, across the sky
Starting to forget the way you look in my eyes

For you I'd walk a thousand miles
to be in my arms, holding my heart
Oh I, Oh I, I love you
Everything's gonna be alright.. be alright
Through the sorrow, through the fights
Don't you worry, cause everything's gonna be alright 

All alone, in my room
Waiting for your phone call to come soon
And for you I'd walk a thousand miles, 
to be in your arms, hiding my heart
Oh I, Oh I, I love you
Everything's gonna be alright.. be alright

You know that I care for you,
I'll always be there for you
I promise I will stay right here
I know that you want me to
Baby we can make it through anything,
Cause Everything's gonna be alright.. be alright
Through the sorrow, through the fights
Don't you worry, cause everything's gonna be alright.. be alright 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Justin and Selena get engaged?

   Justin Bieber and girlfriend Selena Gomez headed to down to Mexico on Wednesday, along with Selena's family, for some time off and to attend a friend's wedding.  At the airport while arriving in Mexico, Selena was photographed wearing a ring that resembles an engagement ring.  Rumors have surfaced that Bieber and Gomez are engaged, prompted by the happenings of Selena's friend's wedding.  However, representatives from both Bieber and Gomez have denied these rumors and said that the two are not engaged, and will not be getting engaged anytime soon.
    The couple has been thought to have been engaged several times now, as parents of both Bieber and Gomez were teenage-parents.  However, it seems as if the couple is enjoying themselves and having fun being in the spotlight at such a young age, and not worrying about marriage anytime soon.  Below, Justin is seen enjoying himself yesterday in the Mexican sun as Selena reaches over him to grab her cell phone off the table.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Justin Bieber stabbed oustide LA night club

     There has been rumors going around today on Facebook and Twitter that Justin Bieber was stabbed last night outside of a night club in Los Angeles.  However, these rumors are not true.  
     Jb has actually been in Florida since Friday December 2nd, in order to film footage for Disney's Santa Parade, and is now on his way to Atlanta to visit friends such as Christian Beadles, Mama Jan, and others from his old studio.  As you can see from the tweet below, Jb is alive and well. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Does the "Baby" singer, now have a baby of his own?

   Is Justin Bieber a father?  Following claims from 20-year-old, Mariah Yeater of California, that her and Justin had sex after his concert on October 25th in Los Angeles last year, the media has been in a frenzy to find out whether this is true or not.  According to Yeater, her and Justin apparently had sex in a bathroom of the Staples Center following his concert.  She claims that the intercourse was only 30 seconds long and that he did not wear protection.  Yeater and her legal team has filed a lawsuit against Bieber, claiming that he is the father of the 3-month old baby and that he must pay her child-support.  What does JB have to say about this?
    Bieber left it to his legal team to take care off all the talking for the first few days as the claims first came about. His lawyers said they would,"vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations."  Last Friday, JB said live on the Today Show that these claims were completely false and that he has "never met the women in his life."  If that is not proof enough, he has also agreed to voluntarily take a paternity DNA test to prove that he is not the father of this baby.  
    Bieber's family, friends, and team are backstage at all of his concerts.  Not only would they never let Justin leave their sight for security reasons, but they would never allow him to run off with a girl and with no security.  Not only that, but Justin's mom, Pattie, has publicly stated that she is against JB being involved in any sexual intercourse.  Plus, why would he have sex with Mariah Yeater when he can have sex with Selena Gomez whenever he wants?
    Mariah Yeater has been a low-life scum her entire life.  She had originally told her ex-boyfriend, John Terranova, that he was the father and that he needed to pay to support the baby.  After an argument between her and Terranova ended in her arrest, she then decided to go after one of her friends, Steve, and try and say that he was the father.  This delusional girl will do anything it takes to get money off her baby, but has she made a huge mistake in going after Bieber?
    Mariah Yeater was 19-years-old at the time when she claimed to have sex with then 16-year-old Justin Bieber.  Bieber's legal team has laughed at Yeater saying that by saying he is the father, she would also be admitting to statutory rape.  
    On December 15th, JB will take the paternity DNA test to prove that he is not the father of this baby, and the scummy Mariah Yeater can go back to living her life as a delusional nobody.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Top musical artists in the business teaming up with an unexpected teen artist

  Within the past few weeks, YMCMB stars Lil Wayne and Drake have collaborated with one artist that few would expect-- 17-year-old Justin Bieber.  Justin Bieber released his first song with fellow Canadian, Drake.  The song is a remix to Drake's album headliner single "Trust Issues."  JB is featured on the chorus of the song with Drake coming in at the end to spit his verse.  Many were surprised to see a rapper such as Drake working with someone with such a contrastive musical background, but Drake is not the only rapper to collaborate with the 17-year-old Canadian pop star.
  Just last week, JB dropped a collaboration with Lil Wayne in Wayne's most recent notorious song, "How To Love."  Although Lil Wayne does not actually converse on the track, Wayne worked with JB in the studio in order for the teenager to produce the most credible remix of the song possible.  Wayne and Drake love making music with JB, although they are not the only rappers in the game who have teamed up with him.
  During this past summer, hip hop artist Chris Brown and JB conspired to create a completely original song entitled, "Ladies Love Me."  While the song resembles "Look At Me Know," it features Chris Brown and JB rapping their own verses.  It appears that JB is stepping out of the pop game and starting to take on a different sphere of music. 
  Furthermore, JB has worked with the biggest names in the musical industry.  In addition to being signed by musical brilliance, L.A. Reid, Jb has worked with Usher, Kanye West, Jay Z, Lil Twist, Rascall Flatts, Taylor Swift, and more.  Look out for the next album coming out early next year, its sure to incorporate a more mature style of music featuring the most prominent names in the music business. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Selena Gomez's parents mad at Justin Bieber

  Hooters Restaurant seems to be Justin and Selena's favorite place to eat, as seen in the photos above, the couple has been spotted there several times.  During their most recent visit, Selena posted the picture on the left onto her instagram account--Instagram is a picture editing social network site only compatible with iPhone's.  The caption that Selena posted with the picture said "He's staring really hard at something."  
  As we all know, Hooters is a restaurant known for their overly friendly waitress' wearing bikini-like uniforms.  Apparently, Selena's parents were very angry with Selena after she posted that picture because they said she is no longer a good role model for younger kids.  Also, her parents were very angry with Justin, saying that he does not respect her if he is taking her to Hooters on a date.  
  If the two want to go to Hooters, then let them be, Selena's mom needs to calm down.  After all, her daughter is the money-maker of the family $.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Selena Gomez gets Justin Bieber's name tattooed on her wrist!

  Selena Gomez wrapped up her tour the other night in California.  Of course, boyfriend Justin Bieber was there to support her during her last show of the tour.  Apparently, Selena wanted to show extra appreciation to Justin by getting his name tattooed on her wrist-- kind of.  It is not an actual tattoo, it is a Henna tattoo.  Henna tattoo's are similar to temporary spray on tattoo's, however, instead of a stencil, a gelled ink is applied to the skin.  The gel comes off in the shower, and then remaining on the skin is an ink mark of the desired design.  The Henna tattoo's last for a few weeks and then fade away.  
  This so publicly displayed tattoo of "Justin <3" on her wrist has raised more questions as to whether or not their relationship is real or if it is only for publicity.  I personally think that the relationship is 100% real, and both Selena and Justin do some little things, such as this Henna tattoo, just for fun and to get some extra publicity.  What do you think? 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Justin Bieber spits a verse on Chris Brown's Mixtape

  About 2 and a half weeks ago, Chris Brown released his most current musical collection in the version of a mix-tape entitled, Boy In Detention.  The mix-tape features 21 tracks, many of which include collabs with other artists.  Chris Brown and Justin Bieber have been friends ever since JB entered the music business, and they finally collaborated for a song that appeared on this mix-tape.  Many anticipated a track in which Chris Brown would rap, and JB would sing a chorus.  However, Justin raps a whole verse that lasts about half of the song.  The song is called Ladies Love Me, and has the same rthym as Chris Brown's song Look At Me Now.  
  When Justin and Chris Brown were both on tour about 4 months ago in Australia, Justin had Chris Brown come out on stage at his concert and they both performed Look At Me Know, with JB rapping Busta Rhymes' portion of the song.  I know this song Ladies Love Me has been out for about 2-3weeks by now, but it is a great track and proves that JB can spit a little bit too.  This song makes it exciting too see what type of music will be on Justin's album Believe, which is being released in November.  You can listen to Ladies Love Me in the video below.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Justin Bieber involved in a Car Accident today in LA

  Justin Bieber was involved in a minor car accident today in Los Angeles.  He was driving his $220,000 black Ferrari when a Honda Civic apparently gently rear-ended Bieber and his one passenger.  The accident took place at noon-time in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles as Bieber was driving in an underground parking garage.  LAPD officials that responded to the scene reported that no one was injured and there was no damage to either car.  
  JB just received "Best Male Video of the Year" honors on Sunday at the MTV VMA's which took place in Los Angeles.  The 17-year-old pop idol is also spending a lot of his time now-a-days in LA in order to work in the studio on 3 musical collections; his album "Believe", his Christmas Album, and a mixtape with YMCMB.  
  Glad to hear no one was hurt in the minor collision and the driver of the Honda Civic is very lucky that they did not cause any damage to Justin's $220,000 Ferrari. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drake and Justin Bieber release "Trust Issues Remix"

  Justin Bieber released his first song with fellow Canadian, Drake.  The song is a remix to Drake's single "Trust Issues."  It has been confirmed that JB will be making a song featuring Drake for his album, "Believe," coming out in November, so this song was a tease at how well the two artists compliment each other on a track.  
  So far Justin has worked with the biggest names in the music industry such as Drake, Chris Brown,, Kanye West, and others.  He will continue to work with top artists as he is currently working on songs with Taylor Swift and Lil Twist of YMCMB.  It seems like JB is starting to move away from the pop lovey-dovey music and is starting to work on some real quality tracks with the hottest artists in the business.  You can hear Drake and Justin Bieber's song "Trust Issues (remix)" in the video below.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Selena Gomez gets pissed at a Justin Bieber fan

  It's no secret that Selena Gomez gets very annoyed when reporters and interviewers always bring up her boyfriend, Justin Bieber.  It seems like whether it's an appearance, a concert, or a new song, Justin's career is always overshadowing her own.  It has even been said that Selena is in the relationship to boost her popularity and increase ticket sales to her current tour.  
  But back to the facts, recently, Selena was signing autographs for fans, and apparently became infuriated with anger as a fan handed her a copy to sign of Justin Bieber's movie "Never Say Never."  It has even gotten to the point where Selena has had to start off interviews and press conferences by saying that she will not answer any questions regarding boyfriend Justin Bieber.  
  I do feel bad for her as everything she does somehow leads back to Justin.  However, she can't expect  reporters and fans to overlook the fact that she is dating Hollywood's most popular teen sensation, JB.  
credit to for the picture of Selena shown above*

Is Selena Gomez replacing Justin's mom, Pattie Mallette?

  This Sunday, the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards are set to take place and the seating plan has been released.  As seen in the photo above, Justin will be sitting with girlfriend Selena Gomez, as expected.  However, no Pattie Mallette (his mom).  At past awards shows, Justin has always been seen sitting with his mom, or with his mom and Selena.  However, a few weeks back at the 2011 TCA's, Justin sat next to Selena while his mom sat on the other side of the venue next to Justin's ex-girlfriend, Caitlin Beadles.  
  Some people have an issue with Justin "choosing" Selena over his mom.  They feel like all of a sudden Selena has stepped into the picture and has in a way, pushed Pattie aside.  I tend to disagree.  Justin is 17 years old and he is the most popular male entertainer on the entire planet.  It isn't exactly "swag" to be seen on the red-carpet with and sitting at an awards show next to your mom.  Instead, he is seen with hot, sexy girlfriend Selena Gomez.  When your trying to keep your image up and get everyone wanting to take your picture, you sit next to your sexy girlfriend, not you mom.  That is just the way it is.  
  Now, is it right for Selena to "replace" Pattie? Absolutely not.  However, I do not believe that Selena is trying to push Pattie aside at all.  Justin is growing up, just like any teenager, and wants to hang out with his hot girlfriend instead of his mom.  JB has always been a family man so don't even try to say that he is betraying his family.  
  So next time, before you start tweeting pissed off tweets angry at Justin for sitting next to his girlfriend at an awards show, ask yourself this: "If I were a 17-year-old teenage boy, would I want to get my picture taken with my mom, or my hot girlfriend" 

Justin Bieber working on new song in his living room

  Recently, Scooter Braun (Justin's Manager) tweeted the pic above of Justin playing the piano in a living room.  However, it seems to be more than just a little fooling around on the piano.  In the top right corner, you can see Scooter Braun & Tricky Stewart, one of Justin's producers, reflected in the mirror.  The next album is set to drop in late November so it will be interesting to see what Justin and his crew are able to put together!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Justin Bieber's $100,000 Cadillac being blacked-out by West Coast Customs

  As if a $100,000 Cadillac CTS Coupe wasn't luxurious enough, Justin Bieber is having his new Caddy completely blacked-out by West Coast Customs with crystal-blue LED headlights installed.  The picture above is a rendering from West Coast Customs of what the car will look like when it is completely finished.  The car was originally purchased red (as seen below).

  The purchase and customization will add to the already dream lineup of cars that belong to Bieber himself.  His other cars include a $200,000 black Ferrari, a $220,000 Lamborghini Gallardo, and an all black Range Rover.  Justin cruises around in the Range Rover most often out of all his cars, however he's not afraid to be seen on the streets of LA on a joy ride in his Ferrari, Lambo, and soon the blacked-out Caddy.  He has paid for each of his cars completely by himself, so next time you go to diss JB, ask yourself "Am i able to buy myself a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Range Rover, and Cadillac at age 17? or ever in my life?".

Bieber preforms at Taylor Swift's concert last night in LA

  Taylor Swift wasn't the only one performing last night in Los Angeles, as she brought Justin Bieber out on stage during the show as a surprise for concertgoers.  As seen in the video below, the two long-time friends performed a duet of Justin's #1 single "Baby."  
  Justin has performed with Taylor Swift once before at Taylor's concert in London a few years ago.  Both Justin and Taylor are young talents and are both going through the sam experiences of being thrusted into the spotlight with their chart-topping music.  Pretty cool to see Justin hang out with another girl other than just Selena Gomez.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Justin Bieber making a mixtape with YMCMB- Drake and Lil' Twist

  In addition to recording his upcoming album, "Believe," reports that Justin Bieber will be making a mixtape with YMCMB members Drake and Lil' Twist.  As seen in the video below, Lil' Twist reveals the name of his & JB's single coming out entitled "Wherever You Are."  Drake is also working with Justin Bieber on a song for Justin's album coming out this October entitled, "Believe."
    Bieber has been openly close friends with Lil Wayne, Drake, Lil Twist, and Nicki Minaj --who are all apart of YMCMB music group.  JB has worked with YMCMB once in the past, releasing the song "Wind It," which features Justin on the chorus.  Listen to the song here --> <---.  It will be exciting to hear what Bieber and YMCMB are able to produce together.

Justin Bieber is the wealthiest teenager alive

  It's official, Justin Bieber is the richest teenager in the world.  The 17-year-old from the small town of Stratford, Canada earned more cash than most corporate CEO's last year.  With his "My World Tour," the release of his fragrance "Someday," and his movie "Never Say Never," JB made $53million in one year alone.  In just two years, JB went from being a normal kid hanging out with friends in a small town in Canada, to becoming the richest teenage entertainer alive.
  The only other teenager entertainer even close to being worth as much as Bieber is Miley Cyrus, earning $48million last year alone.  The majority of Miley's earnings were brought in from her concert tour.  
  Other teenage celebrities with a similar social status as JB, earned significantly lower than him.  According to People Magazine, Selena Gomez earned $5.5million, Joe Jonas earned $12million, and Taylor Lautner earned $8.5million.    
  As seen below,   a $200,000 black Ferrari,   a $220,000 Lamborghini Gallardo,  and a $1.7million Los Angeles apartment are just some of the items JB has purchased with his own age 17.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Justin & Selena spend day together at Hershey Park in PA

  The day after Selena's show in New Jersey, Justin and Selena traveled to Hershey, Pennsylvania and spent the day together at Hershey Amusement Park, reports  The couple were both wearing hats to try and keep attention away, however, it did not take long for huge crowds to follow them around the amusement park.  As seen in the video below, Security guards has to form a human circle around the couple for protection as they walked around the park.
  They went on roller-coasters and other rides throughout the day.  Justin and Selena have been spending a lot of time together lately, so much so that Justin skipped out on good-friend Kim Kardashian's wedding last night in order to be with Selena.  With a good chunk of Selena's tour left on the East Coast, it will be interesting to see whether the couple will seem to remain inseparable or if they will part ways while she finishes up her tour.  
  I personally think that they have been spending so much time together these past few days because JB will need to get some serious work done on his album that is being released in November, and then he will be gone on tour to South America during the month of October, not leaving much time for the couple to spend time with one another.

Justin Bieber skips Kim Kardashian's Wedding

  Kim Kardashian tied the knot last night with Kris Humphries as the two got married in Montecito, CA in front of family and friends, including quite the celebrity guest list.  However, Justin Bieber was a no-show.  Instead, Bieber skipped the wedding to be with Selena at her concert in Philadelphia to promote her new K-mart clothing line.  Justin and Kim have been long time friends, even doing a photo shoot together last year.  When releasing the guest list, Kim snubbed Justin's girlfriend, Selena Gomez, and did not send her an invite.  It is unclear whether or not Kim dislikes Selena or whether she simply expected her to attend along with Justin as a guest.
  According to, celebrities such as Demi Lovato, Will & Jada Pinkett Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Seacrest, and many others were all in attendance for the grand wedding.  What do you think, was it rude of Justin to skip a close friend's big wedding? or was he just being a good boyfriend?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Justin Bieber fans willing to trade their virginity for concert tickets

  This upcoming October, Justin will be visiting South America to wrap-up the end of his "My World" tour.  This will be the first time that he has ever toured in South America, and having only 3 stops on the tour makes tickets one of the hardest things to get.  Tickets went on sale and in only 2 hours all tickets for the entire South American tour were completely sold out! 
  As seen in the video below, fans who were unable to get tickets are heartbroken and will do anything for tickets.  Fans in Mexico stated that they would give up their virginity and have sex in exchange for a ticket to Justin's concert.  Authorities are concerned because Justin's concert tickets are being sold now in the black market at the price of trading your virginity for a ticket.  
  I know that every girl fan dreams of going to a concert of Justin's, but is it really worth it to have sex and lose your virginity to someone that you do not even know?  Girls in the video below are seen crying on the ground because they were not able to buy Justin Bieber concert tickets before they were sold out.

Superfresh Clothing

  Superfresh clothing is a small business that keeps you looking up to date by providing the hottest fashion clothing and accessories.  Their main product, as seen above, is the freshball bracelet.  These bracelets are raw and are the same design as a shamballa bracelet.  However shamballa bracelets can be extremely expensive, while these freshball bracelets are only $45.  Go check out their website by clicking the picture above to see the hottest clothing and accessories.
  Pictured below are a few celebrities who wear bracelets like these.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Justin Bieber Cone-ing at Mcdonalds

  Planking used to be the internet hit in which people would take pictures of themselves laying straight on all types of objects.  Cone-ing is now the new planking! As seen in the video, cone-ing is when you order an ice cream cone at McDonald's and you grab it by the ice cream instead of the cone. 
  Justin has always been known to be a prankster and this video certainly lives up to his pranking reputation.

Demi Lovato denies rumors of a duet with JB

  Demi Lovato's music career has taken off with the release of her new #1 single,"Skyscraper."  Rumors have spread of Demi collabing with Justin Bieber for a song to appear on his album,"Believe," coming out in November.
  However, in a recent interview with Latina Magazine, Demi stated that any rumors of her collabing with JB are untrue.  The 18 year old did say that she would love to collab with long time best friend & Justin's girlfriend, Selena Gomez, sometime in the future.  
  As for now, Demi and Justin will be both releasing their own albums in the very near future.

Justin Bieber wins best "Music Artist" at 2011 Do Something Awards

  Justin won at the 2011 Do Something Awards for the category "Music Artist."  Justin donated $1 from every ticket sold during the "My World Tour" to his top charity, Pencils of Promise, run by Scooter Braun's brother, Adam Braun.  Pencils of Promise is a charity that builds schools in areas of the world that are lacking education and funds to establish schools on their own.
  Justin was seen sporting a slightly more casual look, wearing a "Free Minded Modern People" tee along with gold jeans and Louis Vuitton high top shoes.  Bestfriend Chaz Somers, who is spending time in LA to hang with Justin, was seen sitting with JB and Kenny Hamilton at the awards show.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Justin Bieber twitter king- reaches 12million followers

  Today Justin Bieber reached the 12million follow mark on Twitter, securing his accolades as being the king of twitter..  
  Just several months ago Justin Bieber began putting up a fight against Lady Gaga for the crown of most popular on twitter.  Although Lady Gaga has a slight lead on the 17-year-old, Bieber holds the top spot out of male celebrities.
  A very excited and thankful Justin, tweeted today after learning of reaching the 12million followers mark.  Justin tweeted, "No ones on the level that my fans r on."  You can see the full tweet below.

Swagisme6 - First Post Ever

Welcome to swagisme6, this blog is meant so you can stay up to date on the hottest news in music and style.  The emphasis will be placed on Justin Bieber, Austin Mahone, Ryan Beatty, and JDrew.  
Justin Bieber- 17yr old recording artist (Island Def Jam) @justinbieber
Austin Mahone- 15yr old recoding artist (unsigned) @austinmahone
Ryan Beatty- 15yr old recording artist (signed) @theryanbeatty
JDrew- 20yr old hip hop artist (signed) @JDrewMusic