Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Justin Bieber spits a verse on Chris Brown's Mixtape

  About 2 and a half weeks ago, Chris Brown released his most current musical collection in the version of a mix-tape entitled, Boy In Detention.  The mix-tape features 21 tracks, many of which include collabs with other artists.  Chris Brown and Justin Bieber have been friends ever since JB entered the music business, and they finally collaborated for a song that appeared on this mix-tape.  Many anticipated a track in which Chris Brown would rap, and JB would sing a chorus.  However, Justin raps a whole verse that lasts about half of the song.  The song is called Ladies Love Me, and has the same rthym as Chris Brown's song Look At Me Now.  
  When Justin and Chris Brown were both on tour about 4 months ago in Australia, Justin had Chris Brown come out on stage at his concert and they both performed Look At Me Know, with JB rapping Busta Rhymes' portion of the song.  I know this song Ladies Love Me has been out for about 2-3weeks by now, but it is a great track and proves that JB can spit a little bit too.  This song makes it exciting too see what type of music will be on Justin's album Believe, which is being released in November.  You can listen to Ladies Love Me in the video below.

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